
Taking Care Of The Planet And Everything That’s On It

our purpose

The purpose of toawm is to take care of our planet and everything that’s on it.
We can easily solve our world’s problems regarding food, energy, money, pollution, and suffering. We can use the systems and technologies that we have right now. We will create our own businesses, companies, and  corporations that care about our planet and everything that’s on it.

We will produce and supply all the goods and services that are available to us today provided they’re beneficial to our planet and everything that’s on it. We will voluntarily redistribute at least 90% of our profits. We will provide good pay and benefits to those who work with us. Provide quality goods and services at reasonable costs.

We’ll also use profits to make sure that everyone has enough to eat and a clean, decent place to live.  Quality free continuous health care and a quality free continuous education. 

With a one-time investment of just $13 from one out of every 100 people in the world, we can have our businesses, companies and corporations up and running in a matter of months. Please tell everyone. Thank you.



We can use the systems and technologies that we have right now. We will create our own businesses, companies, and  corporations that care about our planet and everything that’s on it.

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your support means everything